Allie is a Music Therapist in Richmond VA

Allie uses Music Therapy to help clients find answers around who they are, what they want, how to reach their personal goals, and find internal peace.

Allie believes wholeheartedly that each of us can heal from life’s greatest challenges, even in times when it may feel like life is the greatest challenge, or that hope is lost.  Her warm presence combined with a rational and research-based approach creates a safe space where clients can heal, as they connect with their inner strength, embrace their authentic voice, and discover their own power and peace.

Previous music experience is not needed in music therapy, and the pressure is off, as Allie takes care of the music aspect of the session.  Clients only need to be open to the experience, while she uses music to help clients process intense emotions, problematic behaviors, or traumatic experiences. 

Sessions look different from client to client. Allie meets you where you are and is based on what works best for you.  For example, some clients are very into active music-making and some may never touch an instrument.  Some clients are more talk-oriented and some are more music-oriented.  Allie will help you set goals for your time in therapy and use a flexible and creative approach to reach them.

Music therapy is a very effective psychotherapy for managing and overcoming anxiety, depression, and trauma. It’s a power tool for emotional growth for exploring issues of identity and meaning. Additionally, Allie is also well versed in talk therapy and adjusts to what makes clients most comfortable, and what will be most helpful in reaching their wellness goals.


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